Friday, April 10, 2015

The Letter "F"

There is something special about the letter "F" this year.  Let me explain.  Since my goats are registered with the ADGA (American Dairy Goat Association), they will need to be tattooed either when they leave the farm or when I register them (whichever comes first!).  The ADGA recommends that the goats' left ears have a letter symbolizing the year and a number indicating birth order in the herd.  The right ear can be used for the farm's identification letters/numbers.  So, the ADGA's letter for 2015 is...yes..."F!"  When the kids are tattooed, their left ear will be "F1," "F2," and so forth.  (Note, the ADGA omits the letters G, I, O, Q, and U). 

Many goat farmers choose to name baby goats with names beginning in the year's letter.  It is an easy way to remember how old a goat is.  For example, Charlotte was born in the "C" year (2012).  Elly May and Edna were born in 2014, the "E" year.  

I already mentioned that I am excited about the goats kidding.  But since last year I have been compiling a list of potential "F" names.  Let me know what you think about my list:

For the Girls (Yes, I am hoping for doelings!):
Fanny Mae

For the Boys:
Freddy Mac

Want to join the fun? Leave a comment with your "F" name ideas!

(For more info on tattooing, see the ADGA registration form here.)


  1. Forever, Freedom, Forever Free, Fancyfree, Fancy, Frostbite, Frozen, Foxtrot... I have tons, and it is always a challenge to name each kid! :)


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