Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Selenium and CD/T

There are many different ideas regarding yearly supplements for goats!  Some people choose not to give anything to their goats, while others feel it is definitely important to give yearly "boosters."  After consulting with the farm where I purchased the goats, I decided to continue my goats' yearly "booster" schedule.

Selenium/Vitamin E: Selenium is helpful for ease in birthing, fertility, and a type of "muscular dystrophy" in goats (see Hoegger Farmyard info).  Most of the United States is somewhat deficient in selenium, although overdosing or giving it when not needed can be toxic!  My county is slightly deficient and many goat owners in my area like to give it twice a year.  They often give it in the injectable form called "BoSe."  However, I ordered an oral version from Valley Vet that happened to be butterscotch flavored!

The other regular booster that many goat owners give their herd is the CD/T vaccine.  It prevents against tetanus and enterotoxemia (overeating disease).  It is given in the last few weeks of pregnancy so some of the immunity is passed to the kids.

I hadn't given a sub-q injection before so I was a little nervous.  I ordered needles and syringes from Hoegger.  I used 20 gauge needle/syringe combo, which came pre-assembled in sterile packages.  Then, I poked the needle into the vaccine and measured out 2ml.  I grabbed a "pinch" of Charlotte's skin and poked the needle in.  I was surprised at how easily it poked!  I slowly squirted the vaccine out and then pulled out the needle.  I did this during feeding time, so Charlotte didn't even notice!  I felt so successful!

It has been so amazing to learn so many new things on this "goat adventure!"

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