Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blessing and Goats

So the Lord alone led him, [Israel]
And there was no foreign god with him... 
He made him ride in the heights of the earth,
That he might eat the produce of the fields;
He made him draw honey from the rock,
And oil from the flinty rock; 
Curds from the cattle, and milk of the flock,
With fat of lambs;
And rams of the breed of Bashan, and GOATS...
Deuteronomy 32:12-14

This verse came up in our Scripture reading today, and it seemed so appropriate!  When God blessed Jacob, He blessed him specifically with goats!  I feel that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has blessed me in a similar way.

As a side note, my parents, siblings, and I are reading through Bible in a year.  We read about 3-4 chapters per day, just enough to enjoy each day's reading, but not so much to feel overwhelmed.  It has been a great exercise and just like today's reading, it often speaks directly to the events of the day.  I have posted the link to the reading plan HERE.

Edna is going through milk like wild! She's a hungry and happy goat!  I went back to the breeder to milk Edna's mama yesterday.  It was so much fun!  Squeezing the goat's warm, squishy teats between my fingers, feeling the teat tighten, then hearing the pressurized "zing" as it streamed into the milk pail was a satisfying thrill for an aspiring goat keeper.  I was able to get about 20 oz. from the milking.  Since Edna is drinking about 8 oz. per feeding, 4 times a day, (36 oz. daily) I am starting to supplement with whole cow's milk from the store.  According to what I have read, cow's milk from the store is better than a powdered goat's milk replacer.  I plan to alternate goats and cows milk.

The weather has been lovely.  Such a wonderful change from the ice storm that had settled on our community a mere week ago.  Edna has been frolicking in the goat pen, although she doesn't like to be left alone (and she lets me know!).  Edna performs a funny little dance by rearing up on her hind-legs then flopping back down.  It is quite the show.
(You can see the reflection of the sunset in this picture!)

At a week old, I weighed Edna.  I did this by weighing myself, then weighing myself with the goat and subtracting the amounts.  She is a hearty 9.6 pounds.  Goat kids should gain about 10 pounds per month, and Edna is right on track.  

Next up: Disbudding Time!  Edna should be disbudded at the vet tomorrow.  I have heard it can be a uncomfortable procedure, but it is absolutely necessary if I don't want a goat with horns!

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