Sunday, June 14, 2015

Opening My Eyes

Things have been a bit quiet in the goat pen the past couple of weeks.  I, the goat keeper, have quite the full schedule with a summer job and other "life duties!"  These duties don't leave much time for goats, so I have been quickly milking them in the morning and quickly feeding them in the evening!  

Daily chores consist of a complicated routine of hooking up the goats, feeding, milking, straining the milk, refilling the hay, refilling the water, refilling the minerals, trimming hooves, giving supplements, etc.!  

Some mornings it is a little overwhelming!

But being frenzied doesn't get me or the goats anywhere!  After a few very busy weeks, I am beginning to realize the importance of slowing down to observe and enjoy my goats!  Proverbs 27:23 says: "Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds."  I have a great responsibility to care for these animals which have been entrusted to me.  They are a valuable resource for which I must be a good steward!  So, instead of just rushing through the goat chores, it is a privilege to open my eyes to all of the amazing fingerprints of God that are all around me!
I then begin to notice cute expressions from Fritz!

I begin to appreciate this baby goat a little more!

When I slow down, I can laugh that Charlotte has no problem with Frankincense crawling all over her!  And Frankincense is over 40 pounds!  She doesn't see much need for discipline!

I can marvel at the intricate, geometric designs of the "zipper spiders" which fill the trailer where I keep the hay!  Every time I refill the hay, there are more and more spiders!  God's creation...multiplied!

It realize that I frequently end my posts with a nature picture.  So, here is a stunning sunset picture!  I am thankful for the opportunity to have seen the sun this past week. The goat pen has dried out and the grass has had opportunity to grow!

Even though life hasn't slowed down much, it is so much more pleasant to enjoy the "busyness" while embracing the beauty that surrounds it!