Hello Again Blog! Please enjoy some fun pictures from the goat pen!
Frankincense and Fritz are growing up FAST! They now enjoy playing "Buck!"
This often includes wrestling!
Fritz and Edna both enjoy a cool sip of water!
Speaking of water, the "terrible" thunderstorms have finally passed and my goats and I are enjoying some much needed sunshine! One evening the storm was so intense I had to skip the goats feeding... Yes, it has been a long couple weeks of rain, rain, rain. I took all of the soggy hay out of the goat huts, put down lots of lime (to keep the flies at bay), and gave them some nice dry bedding. Finally!
We have now started drinking Edna's milk! It is so yummy and sweet. Fritz is separated from her at night so she can "fill up" for us in the morning.
Fritz also discovered that Edna has two "milk spigots!" When he was first born, he was favoring one side which made for a very lopsided udder! I am glad he discovered the other side. He also seems to have more energy now that he is drinking more!
"This stuff is WHEY too great!"
When we have "whey" too much "whey" (the leftover liquid from making cheese), the chickens get a hearty protein snack! No waste, hurray for whey!